Brandon Routh
Brandon Routh

I'm very excited to see where the characters and their relationships go. But in the end, it really boils down to the people who have more power than me, who control the money.

Bruce Schneier
Bruce Schneier

Think of your existing power as the exponent in an equation that determines the value of information. The more power you have, the more additional power you derive from the new data.

Carmen Carrera
Carmen Carrera

The way I see things is that, I think that transgender people are super brave. If you're a female to male, male to female, if you're that brave to take control of your own body and make it however you want it to be, more power to you.

Chris Penn
Chris Penn

More power to the people who get to choose their roles. I don't.

Clay Aiken
Clay Aiken

I had a Spanish teacher in high school. I rarely got in trouble in her room because I felt I was disappointing her if I got a bad grade. That had more power over me than teachers who told me I talked too much. That level of respect I had for her made me not want to fail for her.

Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood

You make a movie, and if somebody reads something into it, then great, more power to him.

Daniel Humm
Daniel Humm

History has long had a wall up between the kitchen and the dining room. Front of house, back of house - one group always wielded more power and influence.

David Jolly
David Jolly

Sloan Gibson is doing a great job. We need to give him more power to terminate employees.

David Miliband
David Miliband

People want more power over their own lives. That's not just true in Britain, it's true around the world.

Deborah Meaden
Deborah Meaden

You give power to issues if you pay a lot of attention to them. The more attention you give them the more power they have. So the most powerful thing you can do is just get on and ignore it.